Mexico '78

Farwestern Photo by Gregg M. Erickson Mexico '78 Yuma dust storm Middle of the night Mexicali dirty pool Somehow a welcome sight Bursting bottles of Jarritos Back of a Ford pick-up truck 400 more miles of heat “Sorry kids you’re out of luck” Very soon the Sea of Cortez Port of Guaymas noxious fumes Diesel and dead fish The coast of Baja… Seems like a distant wish Load the truck on the ferry In several disorderly lines Ignoring our query “Why is it taking so much time?” Then the rough seas Belching ferry stack A sneering squad of MP’s A mid-meal vomit attack Santa Rosalia Starch white buildings Quiet and clean White hot streets Baja beaches gleam Playa Santispac A collision of desert and sea Primitive campsite No place we’d rather be Nights spent under starlight Days on our own private beach The cabana a beautiful sight Rest of the world out of reach Powerful childhood memories Don’t seem so...