Cove Girl

Cove girl
You wear it so proudly
Of this little village
Cove girl you curse it so loudly

Eyes sparkle like Gulf coast emerald
The color of our beautiful sea
Blond hair as fine as the sand
And tall like a sugar pine tree

You grew up wild on this spit of land
A dense plantation surrounded by bay
Where an array of palm trees fan
A place where dolphin come to play

The Cove...

Home to the eclectic and rouge
Who mingle under the ancient oak
Listening to a strumming guitar jingle
Everyone bumming a smoke

Beer cans pile up before midnight
Turn to upraised bottles of booze
Out on the water fishermen fight
While on a starlight angling cruise

And the good folks head off for prayers
On bended knee at the holy steeple
They're just one of the many layers
That make up the village of Cove people

But Cove girl its you
That I know the best
It was you that helped me
When I was in distress

I may not be from around here
And who knows how long I may stay
Maybe a year or two, a decade or longer
I can raise my children along the bayou
Teach them everything about the "salt life"
Buy a nice house south of Cherry
Maybe find a Cove girl to call my wife

But Cove girl its you
Sassy, smart and sharp of wit
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
With some guidance maybe I'll fit
Because this is what I've come to believe

Even though the world stretches out
Broad and bright...full of sights and sounds
Here in this sleepy Cove hollow
The fullness of life still abounds

Jesse A.


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