Intermountain High

Intermountain High

In a Hemingwayesque trope
I write of the Intermountain West
From the basin and range
To the Trans Mexican Volcanic belt
Of the Great Basin
And the Colorado Plateau
The Continental Divide
Or Sonoran desert snow

Intermontane sky islands bereft
Of city dwelling criminals and theft
Upper range thrust
In geologic striations I trust
From the steppes to the
Shrub land biome
Seeking open range
And a place to call home

Subduction zones and shifting plates
Life along the Ring of Fire
Pacific Ocean burning
Pushing Andes higher
Coast of Chile churning
Massive land forms I desire

Escarpments come to mind
Although Death Valley is fine
Slot canyons beckon
We are so small in their presence
And that's the thing, I reckon
I feel shallow between every fault
Feel uplifted by every rift
The Grand Staircase to the Painted Desert
From Volcan del Fuego to the mighty Sierra 
Pico de Orizabe to my own backyard
Look all around you
I find it isn't that hard

I'd rather skin my knees
On a rocky tumbledown
Then lean on your trees
Drink from your steams
And never with a frown

This is Mother Earth
Of her I beg in supplication
To take me to a higher place
Or leave me in isolation 
Even abandon me on the stilted plain
Because I know your beauty...

Will ease any pain

Jesse Alberson


Unknown said…
Beautiful! Great writing mr. Alberson.

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