Sonoran Barbacoa - REPOST

Sonoran Barbacoa

Sizzling peppers send smoke signals
Carne asada sears over mesquite
A hungry traveler lurks in the brush
And dreams of something to eat

On the road so long
Himself grilled by the sun
Nearly out of water
And not out to harm anyone

As a tendril of smoke fills his nose
And a bastard buzzard circles overhead
Smells from his youth tickle his soul
And coax him back from the dead

From menudo to adobo
With rice and beans
Con mas frutas y dulces
He smells it all… it seems

He thinks about Durango
And cool mountain air
And fresh roasted corn
At the village town square

He wishes he was there
Or just up the arroyo
Where blazing ranchero music
Mixes with the smoke of grilled pollo

And so off he goes
With his hat in his hand
Where he’ll join with those gringos…

For his first meal in this land


Jesse Alberson
Tucson, Az


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